A Prime Environment to Locate Mariculture Investments
Aquaculture includes breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and animals in salt or fresh water. It is the fastest growing food production sector in the world, with the global aquaculture industry producing approximately 67 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of fish from freshwater (42 mtpa) and marine (25 mtpa) sources (FAO, 2014). In South Africa, aquaculture is still in the developmental stage and has the potential to grow and contribute towards job creation, food security and improving the inclusivity of the sector. Aquaculture has the potential of reducing the fishing pressure on wild fisheries stocks.
The ELIDZ is strategically positioned to develop a marine aquaculture cluster in an effort to contribute towards the growth of the sector. The IDZ has access to sea water of good standard as well as the opportunity to tap into existing municipal infrastructure for the delivery of sea water to potential land based aquamarine farms and hatcheries. It also possesses among the most valuable sites for the establishment of grow- out facilities as temperate waters lend themselves to good growth rates for marine fin fish.
Locating your business within the East London IDZ’s aquaculture sector bares the following premium benefits.
- – Favourable and dedicated institutional environment including policy and incentives
- – Vibrant and world class research and technical expertise
- – Favourable climate to most species
- – Dedicated 32 ha marine aquaculture cluster focused on recirculating systems
- – Agricultural zoning of 11 fully serviced sites in place
- – Environmental Impact Assessment approval for indigenous marine fish farming already granted for at least 10,000 tons annually in place
- – Environmental authorization for Barramundi, Rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon in place
- – Accessible high quality bulk sea water supply at 185 litres/second and effluent handling at 85% water recirculation per farmer
- – Seawater Quality Monitoring Program in place and
- – Importation of performance demonstrated Recirculating Aquaculture Systems technology in progress.
Aquaculture Incentive Scheme
The East London IDZ understands the importance of supporting businesses more especially start-up businesses. Within the Aquaculture sector we offer potential investors customised incentives. These tailor made incentives are available to inventors who wish to locate their business within the designated land in the zone. These are.
- – Aquaculture Incentive Scheme (Aquaculture Development & Enhancement Program) with up to R30m rebate.
- – Business plan for an Aquaculture Business Incubator with business case for reducing likelihood of enterprise failure, increasing sector skills & firming up investment pipeline for predictability.
- – Agricultural land zoned Aquaculture.
The ELIDZ Specific Possibility – Staggered rental
The investor only pays operating costs, utilities and levies for 12 months from date of occupation.
- – The net rental for the period amortised with repayment starting on month 49 since commencement date on the lease agreement in addition to full rental applicable.
- – The investor pays full rental (i.e. gross rental), utilities and levies from month 13.
- – ELIDZ procures the plans and pays for them, but with participation of investor in the process.
- – First bank guarantee to cover the cost of the building plans in the event that the investor is not ready to equip the rented buildings during the construction process.
- – Second bank guarantee (three months rental) against the prospect of being burdened with an unrented facility upon completion.
Future Plans to Improve Value Offering
Plans to further develop the sector are underway and these include the following:
- – Feasibility of an Oxygen Generation Plant; a Fish Feed Manufacturing Facility, a Fish Processing Facility & an Aquatic Animal Health Clinic
- – Aquaculture Business Incubator
Ntobeko Bacela (Sector Manager: Aquaculture and Agro Industry )
+27 43 702 8245 | ntobeko@elidz.co.za
Speak to our Aquaculture expert