In a bid to increase participation of youth and create more opportunities in the ICT and Science sectors in the Eastern Cape, the ELIDZ implemented the development and operation of a Science and Technology Park (STP). The park is designed as an attractive, functional and interactive space to encourage the exchange of ideas and facilitate the development of creative technical solutions to problems. Its services include a variety of laboratory facilities, training platforms, an open innovation platform, networking solutions, as well as incubator services. As such, the main objective behind the park is to increase competitiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of local industries through innovation.
The ELIDZ STP as the only park of its kind in the country linked to an IDZ was conceived as a catalyst for growth, collaboration, incubation and the application of innovations for the high technology sector.
The ELIDZ STP is designed as an attractive, functional and interactive space to encourage the exchange of ideas and facilitate the development of creative technical solutions to problems. Its services include a variety of laboratory facilities, training platforms, an open innovation platform, networking solutions, as well as incubator services. The ELIDZ has also located 2 incubators in the STP through the organisation’s incubator programme and these geared towards advancing techpreneurship skills amongst youth of the Eastern Cape Province.